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Church Officer's Handbook

(recommended material for the division of labor in the committee of the Volunteer Fire Brigade)

The "Handbook" of the ward functionary is based on the Articles of Association of the SH CMS as amended and proposes to the ward this division of labor in the ward committee.

We are based on the principles of collective decision-making of the bodies of the church, but also on the personal responsibility of each member, and especially the official, for the performance of the assigned tasks.

If the church committee is to organize and manage the activities of the church well, it is necessary to make the right division of work between the individual members of the committee, to appoint a person to work with the registration program and to define everyone's responsibility for fulfilling tasks.

The General Meeting determines the number of members of the committee of the choir, taking into account the number of members of the choir, therefore in committees with a smaller number of members it is possible to merge some functions.

The General Meeting elects the mayor, or his deputy, or deputies, corps commander, corps preventionist, or the leader of the young fire brigade, the leader of the interest groups, the leader of the group of volunteers, other members of the committee and the auditor of the corps.

For individual functions, it is necessary to select members to the committee according to their knowledge of individual sections of activity, and even when merging functions, it is necessary to take into account which functions a member of the committee is able to perform.

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