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1. General requirements for the performance of work The tasks set for fire brigades in Section 70 of Act No. 133/1985 Coll., On fire protection, as amended, are specified in particular by Decree No. 247/2001 Coll., On the organization and activities of fire protection units , as amended, and the Combat Rules of Fire Protection Units.
The commander of the team and the commander of the SDH unit of the municipality and the unit must have the necessary knowledge and skills specified for the function of firefighter, verified by at least one year of experience after gaining professional competence for this function. They must also have the necessary knowledge and skills to: - lead and manage the activities of the cooperative and the unit in performing the standard tasks assigned to the PO units, including organizing and conducting training of the PO unit, - managing the intervention of PO units in the scope of the first alarm level, rescue system (hereinafter "IRS") in the event of an intervention.

2. Requirements for knowledge and skills of the team commander and the SDH unit commander of the municipality or the Knowledge Group
Requirements of necessary knowledge and skills
Fire protection organization
With the system of area coverage and fire alarm plan of the region, with the tasks of the operation and information center, with criteria and methods of announcing alarm levels, with the Order of Service in HZS, SDH municipalities and SDH companies, with the purpose and importance of fire fighting documentation (operational card) , with the principles of financing the SDH unit of the municipality (including subsidy titles).
conditions of action of the fire brigade unit, documentation of the SDH unit of the municipality or, documentation of actionability of the fire brigade unit, basic tasks of fire brigade units, predetermination and tasks of its fire brigade unit in the system of area coverage and fire alarm plan of the region, service performance and organization of management of its fire brigade unit organizational proceedings, rights and tasks of the commander of the fire brigade and the commander of the intervention, minimum conditions and scope of care for intervening persons, duty of confidentiality, provision of personal or material assistance, entry to real estate, handover of the place of intervention and ordering measures to prevent recurrence and coordination of IRS units at the tactical management level.

Fire tactics
with the scope of chapters of the Combat Rules of Fire Protection Units.
basic tactical-technical data and tactical procedures for the deployment of fire equipment and material resources of your fire brigade, organization of intervention management in the scope of the first level of alarm, rules of priority command and appointment of the intervention commander, tactical procedures for reconnaissance, rescue of persons, animals and property and tactical procedures when dealing with extraordinary events for which the fire brigade is predestined or usually intervenes, principles of determining the main direction of deployment of forces and resources in case of fire, tasks and activities of its fire brigade in hazardous substance, danger at the scene and protection against them, basics of combustion theory and extinguishing, division of flammable substances and the nature of their danger, fire extinguishing circuit of its fire brigade unit, methods of long-distance water transport, principles of processing partial intervention report and intervention report and deadlines set for their submission, purpose and function of fire dividing structures and fire safety equipment .

Knowledge group
Requirements of necessary knowledge and skills

Services in the unit
with the tasks of mechanical, chemical and technical services, especially in the acceptance, inspection and maintenance of selected means.
tasks of the commander of the PO unit in the section of mechanical, chemical and technical services, scope and requirements for keeping prescribed documentation in the section of individual services in the PO unit, rules of communication (signals, radio connection, etc.) in the PO unit, basics of computer operation (Internet, Office , Port.all, etc ...), methods of announcing the alarm to the PO unit, requirements for the content of messages from the place of intervention to the operation and information center.
to keep the specified documentation and records, to organize the connection at the place of intervention and between the place of intervention and the operation and information center, to operate the communication means in the equipment of your PO unit.

Training of unit members
with available information sources and a suitable form of training of the PO unit.
the purpose and importance of basic training, training to acquire professional competence and regular training, scope and requirements for keeping the prescribed training documentation.

to organize and carry out regular and basic training of the members of its PO unit, to prepare documents for the required documentation, to keep the specified documentation and records.

Work at height and above free depth
basic material means used by the PO unit when working at height and above free depth and their safe use, self-rescue procedures

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